Who Are We

We are industry experts with extensive domain expertise and design experience in MedTech systems and Artificial Intelligence serving regulated industries.

Our Mission

To reduce MedTech product risks and expedite commercialization, with the ultimate goal to reduce patients’ risks. 

What We Do

We develop AI-driven platform to automate design inputs analysis and design stories writing in order to reduce defects, design time and reliance on human experts while providing “trace-ability” for compliance.

Why choose us?

We have critical industry expertise on our team. For example, our expert in medical device industry has extensive experience across class II, class III medical devices working with major MD corporations as well as experience working with FDA. 

Our core team consists of software leaders and AI experts from across the industries and Fortune companies that have track record of successful product design, development and testing experience. 

We build your specific AI platform based on our patent-pending analytical model along with your project requirements to maximize the design benefits.

Your data privacy is our top priority. You own your data and we only get involved if you need consultation. The data processing is fully secured following your IT security policies and procures. 

The AI model can be installed on your system, hosted in house or a public or  hybrid cloud based on your preference. SaaS model can be discussed if preferred. 

Why choose us?

We have critical industry expertise on our team. For example, our expert in medical device industry has extensive experience across class II, class III medical devices working with major MD corporations as well as experience working with FDA. 

Our core team consists of software leaders and AI experts from across the industries and Fortune companies that have track record of successful product design, development and testing experience. 

We build your specific AI platform based on our patent-pending analytical model along with your project requirements to maximize the design benefits.

Your data privacy is our top priority. You own your data and we only get involved if you need consultation. The data processing is fully secured following your IT security policies and procures. 

The AI model can be installed on your system, hosted in house or a public or  hybrid cloud based on your preference. SaaS model can be discussed if preferred. 

Would you like to start a project with us?

Whether you are sponsoring a brand new project or in the middle of upgrading features of an existing product, we're here to help.